Saturday, June 4, 2011


There is a compatibility that I felt emerging between Collingwood, Foucault, Zizek, Claxton, and some others. The problem was with Collingwood's notion of the absolute mind, and of absolute ethics. It implies determinism and it is hard to know where free will goes with an idea like that. But it makes sense.

It makes sense in light of Zizek's notion of retroactive freedom, on choosing one's destiny.

Ummmm. In some ways I see a picture developing in my mind. My recent reading on politics, culture, habit, etc., has been pushing me towards something. It might be coming together.

Also, Elaine Scarry has a book called Thinking In An Emergency that looks fascinating. The crux of the book is a philosophical investigation into the nature of habit. Habit in politics, in society, in emergencies. Looks fascinating. Doesn't cite Zizek or Collingwood or anyone I know on habit. So, yeah. Interesting stuff.

I was looking at that vague outline I posted last time (which isn't even a real outline). But just mulling over those issues of culture, politics, habit, choice, history, etc..

Just a lot of pieces that are floating around in my mind that don't make sense right now.

But that is okay. I just wonder how long it'll take. A long time i bet.

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About Me

I spend most of my time working as a mental health professional. I have been preoccupied with philosophy, politics, healing, and many other questions for the last 15 years or so. I am currently working on putting together my study of Plato and Aristotle with contemporary work in philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy, and trauma research. I use this place primarily as a workshop for ideas. I welcome conversation with anyone working on similar problems. The major contours of my basic project have been outlined here
