Monday, June 13, 2011

New Writing

I'm nine pages into a new essay and I'm really pleased.

I'm writing about a lot of different things.

The original, very tentative title is 'of relationships'. But as I'm writing I am realizing it is more specific than that. At the core of it is the attempt to create a historically informed theory of mind that would be of practical use in restructuring relationships in the present moment.

It is going to involve a brief talk of theory of mind, and a much more lengthy discussion of habits, mediums, and historical study of those former two things.

I'm just really pleased that I have this new idea in the works.

And more importantly, I feel like I'm picking up on a line of thought that I initiated in August but that I had no idea what to do with.

I'll hopefully have it done by the end of the month.

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About Me

I spend most of my time working as a mental health professional. I have been preoccupied with philosophy, politics, healing, and many other questions for the last 15 years or so. I am currently working on putting together my study of Plato and Aristotle with contemporary work in philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy, and trauma research. I use this place primarily as a workshop for ideas. I welcome conversation with anyone working on similar problems. The major contours of my basic project have been outlined here
