Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Political Implications of Properly Defining 'The Aesthetic'

So this will be brief. It is intended to be a note for my current large writing project on art, zen, and politics. Politics is the part of my writing where I struggle the most/know the least. So I have some interesting ideas and now I'm excited. And then I remembered that I actually had this idea and wrote about it last night. But I was slightly drunk when I wrote that. So I had forgotten.

But anyways. I just had dinner with my aunt tonight and we talked about a fair amount of things, politics being one of them. I am pleased with how overtly political The Condition of Postmodernity was. It has given me a new impetus to read expressly political things, or books that explicitly take an economic approach to political problems.

And this Mr. Walter Benjamin. I need to read him as well. And I think that will be good. The aestheticization of politics. Interesting idea. But like I wrote last night, and I furthered in my notebook today, this seems to be based on a definition of the aesthetic that Collingwood rejects. So I am starting to think that what we need is a proper definition of the aesthetic, and a proper aestheticization of politics. That would be a good thing. I'm glad I had this idea. It will fit into my big paper well.

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About Me

I spend most of my time working as a mental health professional. I have been preoccupied with philosophy, politics, healing, and many other questions for the last 15 years or so. I am currently working on putting together my study of Plato and Aristotle with contemporary work in philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy, and trauma research. I use this place primarily as a workshop for ideas. I welcome conversation with anyone working on similar problems. The major contours of my basic project have been outlined here
